Saturday, September 8, 2012

Royal Belum: Gaur Attacked Human

Still can be very...very close to gaur's droppings... nothing will happen and you will not be gored 

Last week, my home town Gerik, Banding & Royal Belum was shocked when a man was gored by a Gaur@Bos Gaurus@Seladang.  This huge mammals feed on herbs, young shoots, flowers, fruits & why they attack men?

 Fresh footprint....You can be very...very close to Gaur's foot print...nothing will happen & you will not be gored.

Reported by The Star & Harian Metro...According to the Perak State Wildlife Department Director... Gaur will retreat when they smells or see humans.  They will attacked.... to potect their young & herd, hurt or injured.
Hulu Perak OCPD said "We believed the three men encroached into the State park via an illegal trek off the East-West highway to go Fishing.  He also advised "Do not enter the Royal Belum without seeking permission to prevent tragedies."

My about 15 years of Nature guiding I saw  life Gaur in the wild only ones...that is back in 1999 in Terhong, Temenggor Forest Reserve with my guest from the Chezk Republic.  We were on a hill about 200 meters away from them. They dissapeared in the bushes while I & Pak Long (the reccee man)  were talking.  We spent 4 days exploring the Jungle. 
I can't remember how many times I saw their droppings & footprints...many...many Temenggor & Royal Belum.  I came across fresh dropping many times & it proof what the Wildlife Director's comment is true.  "They do not want to meet@see humans."

Still Fresh.... they dissapear in the bushes when hear or see humans.

The truth is that the Gaur gored human ... to retaliate... to what human had done to them.  Only PORCHERS...HUNTERS......dare to be close & hurt them not ANGLERS......
This Salt Lick in The Royal Belum State Park attracks Gaurs.



Allah Berfirman:

Dan di antara manusia ada yang pembicaraannya tentang keduniaan mengkagumkan engkau (Muhammad), dan dia bersaksi kepada Allah mengenai isi hatinya, padahal dia adalah penentang yang paling keras. (Al Baqarah: Ayat 204)

  Dan apabila dia berpaling (dari engkau), dia berusaha untuk berbuat kerosakan di bumi, serta merosakkan tanam-tanaman dan ternakan, sedang Allah tidak menyukai kerosakan. 
(Al Baqarah: Ayat 205)

Dan apabila dikatakan kepadanya, "Bertaqwalah kepada Allah," bangkitlah kesombongannya untuk berbuat dosa.  Maka pantaslah baginya Neraka Jahanam, dan sesungguhnya (Jahanam itu) tempat tinggal yang Terburuk. (AlBaqarah: Ayat 206)

Dan di antara manusia ada orang yang mengorbankan dirinya untuk mencari keredhaan Allah.  Dan Allah Maha Penyantun kepada hamba-hambaNya.  (Al Baqarah: Ayat 207)


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