Burung Rakit over Kebeng (upstream Perak River, Royal Belum). Thank You Azman...
Burung Rakit or Plain-Pouched Hornbill was introduced to me by MR SUTARI an old friend from Singapore in 1998 when I guided a group of bird lovers (5 of them). I took them to Kg Chiong, Temenggor Lake (south). At about 1400hr we set up our tents on a small island about 5 minutes boat ride from Kg. Chiong. I was wondering, where were the big birds. About 1800hrs, suddenly from the East
we heard a TAA'IK sound in the sky and noticed two big birds flew over us (the reccee scout), Then groups of them imerge from behind the hills and my guests were so happy and everybody clapped their hands with joy & of course they believed me & Sutari that the big birds were there. We counted about 3000 of them (minus those groups behind the mountains & hills). Sutari & my other guests were wondering whether those big birds were the Whreated or Plain-Pouched? Some flew very low that we can see them very clearly. I do not list guiding Sutari & the gang as my first Bird watching group because I was then knew nothing about birding...I was their boatman & was very proud to show & gave the perfect place for them to see the birds
The next morning we were awaked by the same sound (by the reccee scout). This time from the south. Flying very low & we counted the same amount as yesterday. Some rested on the tall trees by the river giving a chance for my guests to catch them on camera.
The Second day we camp near kampong Chiong & doing the same routine...birding...
Guided by some younsters from kg. Chiong to a huge fiq tree by a small river, we have a chance to see them feeding the fiq.
Actually...BURUNG RAKIT..... was earlier introduced to me by my mother in early 60s. The big birds will be seen flying over our football field...where we stopped kicking the ball just to admire them. My mum told me... those bird are from their feeding ground in Temenggor and are flying back to their resting place in Tanjong Kala or maybe Gunung Kenderong.....because I only saw them in the evening... not in the morning...still slepping when they flew over my house
The Plained-Pouched do make me interested in Bird Watching....Birding.... & the Nature. I attended a Nature Guide Course in Pahang & became the Pioneer Nature Guide group (5 of us) when we were lisenced by MoTour (then called KKKP) from Temenggor Lake@Gerik. We offered guided nature adventure & experience, trekking, nature walk, camping, night walk, sightseeing, caving, bird watching, wildlife Sighting etc to visitor to the lake since only anglers were seen conquering the lake...then..
Sighting birds was just because we happened@accidently meet them. No birding groups were then in my list OR maybe Temenggor was not in Birders list. Plain-Pouched@hornbills became our new product & we tried our best to show them to our guests. Some were interested but most of them were more interested in the Orang Asli Village, the flora, waterfalls & swimming and of course the 'Toman, Sebarau, Kelah etc.
When Royal Belum was officially opennned to visitors, we spotted a very perfect campsite (ie at the mouth of Sg. Termin) for Plain-Pouched admirers. I was happy to again guided SUTARI & 2 others camping there & picturing the Plain-Pouched.... Here, in the morning the bird will be seen flying from Gunung Titi Basah & Upstream Sungai Tan Hein (North) to Upper Perak & Tiang River (East)...in the evening they will be seen flying low back to Gunung Titi Basah & Sg Tan Hein.
In 2006, I was given by Allah the opportunity to be chosen as a guide by our Bird experts, Datin Glender & Mr Lee & Lim of MNS. I & Along (the boatman) took that opportunity to learn more about birding. I had a great experience when we spotted all the 10 species of Hornbills in Belum-Temenggor......we saw the last bird.... which is very common & easy to be seen in Belum-Temenggor i.e the Oriental Pied (Burung kelingking) on the last day ie just before the Park's check-point.
BUT...On the very first day OF THE TOUR, I saw (not so clear) a hornbill flew over us & Mr Lim told me that it was a Wrinkled.....Alhamdulillah....at last I saw all the 10 species of Hornbills in Belum-Temenggor@Malaysia
Terima Kasih.. Mr SUTARI & The Gang and DATIN GLENDER, MR LEE & LIM from MNS
Need experienced Bird Watching Guide in Royal Belum?........Contact..... PAK YA (019-5495794) or AZMI (012-5789554)

Plain-Pouched flight formation....Thank You Azman
MORE PICTURES... back to Older Post, JANUARY 5th, 2009
Gelaran Yang Manusia Berikan Belum Tentu Menunjukkan Kemuliaan
Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. bahawa Abdul Rahman bin Shakir r.a. berkata bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud:
Apa pun yang saya larang kamu lakukan, maka jauhilah; dan apa pun yang saya perintahkan kamu lakukan, maka kerjakanlah sekadar kemampuan. Sesungguhnya yang membinasakan orang sebelum kamu adalah banyaknya pertanyaan dan perselisihan mereka dengan nabi-nabi mereka (tidak mahu taat dan patuh).
Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim
Petikan daripada Kitab HADIS 40 IMAM NAWAWI
Punca Kejahilan ialah kerana Malas Belajar & Rasa dah Pandai DAN INI membuat Manusia Memusuhi Perkara-Perkara yang Dia Tidak Tahu.